Antonio Ferrari
Journalist and writer
I do not know yet, and I will probably never know, how one can measure the subtle pleasure of a lunch eaten at the table of a favorite restaurant, which is essentially where one feels at home. Where, to be clear ...
Gianluigi Colin
Art-Director and artist
Rigolo and its history
In a precious book by Dino Buzzati and Osvaldo Patani, Le Gambe di Saint Germain, I found this epigram: “The Femmes of the Latin Quarter swallow oysters with their legs apart”. Which combination ...
Emanuela Pirella
Advertiser and writer
I do not know yet, and I will probably never know, how one can measure the subtle pleasure of a lunch eaten at the table of a favorite restaurant, which in essence is where one feels at home. Where, to be clear ...
Carlo Castellaneta
Journalist and writer
Loyalty to tradition
When in October 1958 Silvano and Sivaldo Simoncini, two brothers from Chiesina Uzzanese, took over Rigolo with the help of their respective wives Franca and Vilma, the Brera district was not yet in fashion ...
Ettore Mo
Where it is a pleasure to take orders
I started my business for Corriere della Sera in the London correspondence office, many, many years ago when the world and I were young. And when, after a long stay in Rome (5 years) ...
Fernanda Pivano
Thanks for what you have done for us
What a beauty to think that Rigolo is forty years old, and what a beauty to think that he will then have another forty, and then another forty, and who knows how many others - to think that for all those future years everything will be nice and pleasant ...
Guido Vergani
The old Rigolo di Silvano, by Sivaldo (singular names those of the baptisms from Chiesina Uzzanese to Fucecchio, land of the Simoncini, of the Mungai, of the Pepori who arrived in Milan from those poverty with good oil, beans ...
Marzio Breda
Every day at the table with Franco
The eighties, those of the joint dictatorship of stylists-advertising-politicians-rampant, were greeted with a yawn at Rigolo.
In Largo Treves rocket or prosecco, Nice salads or ...
Maurizio Chierici
Journalist and Writer
I still hadn't learned to face an unknown place and to hide the wonder of discovery under the craft. It wasn't a place at the end of the world, just a restaurant called Rigolo. But for a ...
Nestore Morosini
Nestore Morosini
The lord of Ferrari
He ate, almost always alone, in the first room, to the right of the entrance. Robust dishes, a few good glasses of wine, fruit and dessert. At the age of eighty, Sor Crepaldi was the portrait of health in the fourth age. Crepaldi ...
Nicola Forcignanò
Director and Journalist
Rigolo is my home
Those were times without cell phones. When you were looking for someone, you called them on their home phone. And he usually called me around nine, when I was still asleep. Few words: “Look, I've found them”. Sivaldo ...
Pietro Bestetti
Journalist and Artist
For Franco Berutti, immense journalist, great culture, expert in American Cinema (he also wrote an Encyclopedia), the saddest and most difficult moments of the year were those cursed fifteen days in August when ...
Pietro Pacchioni
Renato Olivieri
Parallel lives
Via Solferino and Corriere della sera, Largo Treves and Rigolo, forty years of parallel lives. Coordinates, forever etched in the memory, of the young man fresh from university who in the seventies, won a ...
We went in and it was Sunday
I enter Rigolo and see my friend Bruno Cassinari again.
That's the way it is all the time. Yet I don't feel sad because he's gone. 'as if he were still alive. Every Sunday I went to his studio ...